Setting Goals/Reaching Dreams

Uncategorized Oct 11, 2017

The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams. ~Oprah Winfrey

Perhaps you’ve come to FreshYacht because you’re looking for a life of adventure. Maybe you know you have a certain skill, and you think it will help you find work on a yacht. Or you’re in love with the world’s lands and peoples and want to spend your days visiting different cities and experiencing different cultures.

Whatever your reason, you’re here because you have a dream.

Let’s be honest, sometimes dreams can be scary. Big goals can be intimidating, and it can be difficult to see the finish line when you’re just warming up for the start.

That’s why it’s so important to have a plan and a community to support you along the way.

Big dreams rarely come true overnight. In fact, most successful people will likely admit that they took months or even years to achieve their vision.

So FreshYacht is here to encourage you, and simply to remind you that you don’t have to do everything all at once.

Today, we’re sharing a few thoughts on how you can approach a big goal, and how you can focus your mind so that you’re making forward progress without letting yourself wander off course.

1. Design Your Boat

Why do you have this goal or dream? If you can understand what your motivation is, you’ll be able to understand why this goal is a good fit for your life.

Take the time to really think about what you want and why working on a yacht is the right way to get there.

Understand the foundation, the bones, of your goal. If you understand what’s driving you, you’ll be more likely to stay energized while you work toward achieving your goal.

2. Chart Your Course

What are the key things you need to achieve to meet your goal?

Do you need to finish an educational program, save a certain amount of money, make arrangements for pets or family members who rely on you, or sell your home or car?

Take some time to write down the steps along the way, and the things you need to resolve or handle before you launch into your new life.

Seeing everything on paper will help you plan time or resources, and as you check off each item on your to-do list, you’ll see your goal drawing ever closer.

3. Anticipate Stormy Weather


Even with the best planning, sometimes life happens, and you may find obstacles that arise as you pursue your goals. Maybe your car needs emergency repairs, and you have to spend the money you’ve saved for training.

Perhaps you have a family member take ill, and your support is needed as a caregiver.

It’s important to recognize that you can overcome any obstacle if you are dedicated to your goal and take the long view towards achievement.

When you hit stormy weather, turn back to your map, and revisit your motivations.

Reach out to your FreshYacht community, where you’ll find encouragement and tools to help guide you.

Be persistent in your belief that your goal is worth achieving, and your dream will come true.

4. Build Your Crew


As important as understanding your goals and visualizing how you’ll achieve them, is the group of people you invite along on your journey.

While working on superyachts makes this a literal fact, it’s also true when you consider who supports you emotionally and relationally in your life.

Think about your friends, family members, and colleagues. Who will encourage you as you pursue your dream? Who may drag you down, or tell you that your goal is too big?

Be thoughtful and share your dreams with the people who will support you. When you find an obstacle in your path or you are feeling discouraged, these are the people who will point you back to your original vision. They’ll also help keep you accountable.

These are the friends who will know you’re saving money for training, so they’ll suggest a dinner in rather than a night on the town.

Remember, you’re not in this alone!

5. Celebrate Milestones

As you make progress toward your goal, be sure you recognize and celebrate your progress along the way.

Saved enough money to pay for your training?

Created a powerful resume outlining all of your skills?

Took care of family obligations so that you’re ready to go?

Each achievement, whether big or small, is worthy of notice. After all, even a marathon is just an accumulation of single steps.

And with one foot in front of the other, you’ll be amazed at what you can achieve.


Interested in more techniques for setting goals and staying the course?

At FreshYacht, we’ll be sharing ideas, motivational content, and encouragement as you travel in the direction of your dreams.

Be sure to stay involved with our community of Insiders -- you can connect via Facebook & Instagram.

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